Best Software for HVAC Businesses

Choosing the right HVAC software will drive efficiency and productivity gains, help identify bottlenecks, streamline workflows, and contribute to improved management of your contracting business as a whole.

HVAC contractors spend most of their time in the field and at the job site with the client, so they need an efficient software solution to help collect, store, analyze and manage all the data coming from the field. Often called Field Service Management software, this is a specially designed software solution to facilitate the process of maintaining field technicians and the back office connected while providing access to all of this important data. More so than many other types of field service businesses, residential and commercial HVAC contractors need a mobile solution to automate service delivery and improve their customer experience. The use of HVAC software is one of the defining factors in reducing administrative burden related to tedious and repetitive tasks, eliminating human and data entry errors resulting from manual processes in the field and back office, and ensuring all processes and workflows are designed and performed in a systematic manner.

What is HVAC software

HVAC software is a purpose-built IT solution used to plan, manage and allocate company resources that are used in the field (en route to or at a client’s location), rather than just at the company’s location. This type of software usually includes multiple different sections and functions on an integrated platform. This helps to centralize all aspects of a business’ operations in a single place, so that resources are efficiently distributed. The end result is an improvement in customer service and a more effective use of human and technical resources.

Some of the key elements of a HVAC software solution are:

  • Pay per use model: you only pay for the features you need to run your business, which cuts costs and avoids software bloat.
  • Flexibile and scaleable: specifically designed to meet the needs of HVAC contracting businesses and may be tailored to specific business needs. It is generally very easy to add additional functions, which means little to no interruption to workflows and business processes.
  • Centralize information: having a single location to capture, store, analyze and distribute information ensures all areas of the business have the data they need to make good business decisions and perform their tasks efficiently.
  • Automate processes and workflows: the ability to auotmate business processes helps to reduce or eliminate human errors from data entry, scheduling, and other repetitive and tedious tasks and also frees up technicians and administrative staff for other functions that drive revenue and promote growth.
  • Remote access: the ability to access the system and all its functions and data from the field using a mobile device is one of the key elements of HVAC contracting software and is essential to driving the efficiency and productivity gains described above.

When evaluating which HVAC software is best for your contracting business, there are some key points you should consider that will ensure the solution you choose fits your needs and gives you the solutions to take your business to the next level. If you’d like to jump straight to our list of the top HVAC software solutions, click here.

Key features of HVAC software 

HVAC contractors face unique challenges that make their day-to-day operations more complex than many other field or home service businesses. While on the surface many service business may seem similar, a combination of cutting-edge techical know-how and flexible, mobile software is essential for HVAC businesses and separates the good from the best. Below is a list of key features you should consider when evaluating HVAC software.

Job request management

Job management is typically the heart of a good HVAC software system, so it’s essential the software you choose has a robust function to generate, assign, manage, and track jobs and job requests. This is closely related to scheduling and dispatching, discussed below.

The nomenclature varies slightly from one system to the next, but ‘jobs’, ‘work orders’, or ‘work notes’ are all frequent terms used to describe an instance of an intervention at the request of a client or customer. A good system will allow you to manage and streamline all the different workflows and operational aspects of your business, from the initial contact with a client all the way to job completion and invoicing. End-to-end traceability throughout your processes will guarantee information reliability and efficiency when providing service. As your business scales, this function becomes increasingly important.

The best platforms include both real-time updates with an overview of the status of all your jobs, techs, and processes, as well as full mobile and offline access to these functions even without internet connectivity.

Mobile apps for field techs

The heart and soul of any successfull HVAC contracting business is its technicians. Having good techs is definitely a great first step to building a great HVAC contracting business, but it’s even more important to give them the tools they need to get the job done efficiently and effectively. This is not limited to just technical know-how and physical equipment. Any tool that saves your techs time when filling out paperwork, documenting interventions, and providing service is worth its weight in gold. Extra points for software solutions that help your techs to win jobs and upsell clients, increasing their value in the field and in front of the customer. In this sense, a mobile app that helps techs to consult, create, track, and document the work they are performing in the field, as well as provide customers with extra information and solutions, is a win-win for you and your techs. For cloud-based solutions, it is essential that this app provides offline capabilities for instances of limited coverage or no internet connectivity.

A good HVAC software system should include, minimally, the following mobile app functions:

  • GPS tracking for techs and vehicles.
  • The ability to create and send estimates, work orders, and invoices on the mobile app.
  • Access to scheduling and calendar functions where field techs, sales, and office staff can collaborate and improve communciations.
  • Access to product and service catalog with images to show customers and help win more jobs

CRM in HVAC software

Creating a positive customer experience will drive repeat revenue through customer loyalty and word-of-mouth recommendations. A CRM module to collect, organize, and manage all your client data, as well as related jobs, invoices, and communications, is essential to create brand awareness, attract and convert high-quality leads, and retain existing customers. The more robust this function and the more integrated it is with the other areas of the software, the more powerful it will be as a sales and operations management tool. Ideally, this should include the ability to consult updated client information from the field in real time to ensure your techs have the latest information when they interact with a customer.

Scheduling and Dispatching

As mentioned above, scheduling and dispatching go hand in hand with job or work order management. These are frequently one of the most time-consuming aspects of an HVAC contracting business, but they are crucial to ensuring efficient workflows. Assigning jobs to techs and making certain everyone knows where they have to be is easier said than done. An easy-to-use and visual scheduling and dispatching function is fundamental to saving time, avoiding double bookings and missed appointments, and optimizing both human and material resources.

Advanced Reporting

Collecting mountains of data does you no good if you cannot easily access and analyze it. Advanced reporting features are essential to make the most out of a HVAC software solution and to improve decision making based on real data. This can help you know exactly what spare parts and the volume of other consumible supplies to have in each truck when starting a shift or identify your top-selling techs, so you can appropriately align your performance based incentives.

Catalog management and price books

A robust visual price book will facilitate product and service catalog management, as well as improving your ability to upsell clients in person. These will frequently include the ability to set flat-rate pricing, apply discounts and special prices and assign different price lists to different categories of clients. Make sure the mobile app allows you to access this information even when you are offline or have bad cell coverage. Good, better, best proposals are the newest tool in helping techs and sales staff to increase ticket price and win more jobs.

Top 5 HVAC software in 2024

Choosing the right HVAC software will drive efficiency and productivity gains, help identify bottlenecks, streamline workflows, and contribute to improved management of your contracting business as a whole. There are dozens of HVAC software solutions, making it difficult to wade through all the options to find the one that best meets your needs. No need to worry, we have done all the hard work, and based on our analysis of functions, prices, and publicly available reviews these are the top providers in 2024:

1. STEL Order

Image from STEL Order.

STEL Order is a field service management platform designed and built for the HVAC industry. Centralize all your operations and billing data on a single platform and ensure all your field techs have access to the information and tools they need to do their jobs right the first time. This ERP and HVAC software includes multiple functions that will take your business to the next level and ensure top-quality service delivery every time.

Below is a list of the most important features STEL Order offers to streamline your business and optimize your workflows:

  • Advanced job request management: Create and manage job requests automatically to ensure prompt responses to clients and the best customer experience possible. Automate notifications and status updates, and keep the client informed throughout the process. Efficiently allocate resources with automatic notifications sent to assigned technicians and the ability to locate your employees in the field in real time with GPS tracking.
  • Estimates, work notes, and invoices: Create estimates, work notes, and invoices and guarantee end-to-end document traceability. Easily attach audio recordings, photographs, installation guides and other documentation to your job file ensuring techs can fully document every action. STEL Order also allows you to collect client signatures right on your mobile device or online via email and take payment after completing the job via integrations with 3rd party payment processing platforms like Stripe and PayPal.
  • Schedule and manage periodic maintenance for client assets and record a log of interventions, giving technicians full access to equipment history.
  • Fully mobile platform: Keep all your techs connected and organized using the integrated calendar function where you can create and assign tasks, meetings, visits, work orders and even customize event types. Full offline functionality means techs can access client files, create estimates, work notes and invoices, and record all their interventions even with low coverage or zero internet access. Easily attach pics, videos, or other documentation, all of which can be accessed from any mobile device at any time on the go, with or without an internet connection. Customizable permissions control, so you can define specific roles for technicians and administrative staff.
  • CRM: STEL Order includes an advanced CRM module to help organize and manage client relationships throughout the sales cycle. Create detailed customer files including the ability to personalize prices and discounts, segment clients by category, link equipment under management, and even generate reports per client or category.
  • Inventory tracking: STEL Order offers integrated inventory tracking as a standard feature, and a premium add-on to track stock across multiple locations like work and delivery vehicles. Tracking includes the distinction between on-hand and future inventory, for every type of material, spare part, or supplies your business uses.
  • With native mobile apps available on both the App Store and Google Play, STEL Order was designed to work from anywhere, even without an internet connection. Keep track of your techs in real-time using the GPS function.
  • At only $48/month for a yearly contract, STEL Order is a bargain compared to other options on the market.

STEL Order’s value proposition is a winning bet for small and medium sized HVAC contractors looking to centralize all their business and financial operations on a single platform and leverage real-time data to increase productivity and drive demand growth. STEL Order’s cloud-based service is available as a web app for Windows, Mac and Linux as well as iOS and Android mobile devices (tablets/smartphones).

Fill out this form and get a discount when you sign up!

    2. JOBBER

    Image from Jobber.

    Jobber is one of the best alternatives for HVAC contracting businesses, and their cloud-based platform integrates solutions that meet this industry’s unique needs. It’s scalable, provides some limited personalization, and offers a variety of integrations and premium add-ons.

    Increase your productivity and save time with Jobber’s web (Windows, Mac, Linux) and mobile apps (iOS and Android). Field techs can access client information from their mobile devices and create estimates and invoices quickly and easily, reducing response times and speeding up job completion times.

    Here are some key features of Jobber’s HVAC software:

    • Schedule jobs and dispatch techs quickly and easily.
    • Push notifications on your techs’ phones for job requests and updates.
    • Multiple integrations with 3rd party apps available.
    • Collect payments online and in person using Jobber.
    • Integrated phone and text communication systems.
    • Affordable basic plan, but more complete plans are expensive and add-ons can quickly increase the price.


    Image from ServiceTitan.

    One of the biggest names in the HVAC software space is ServiceTitan—and with good reason. Their all-in-one platform offers many tools that are tailored specifically to HVAC contractors, both residential and commercial. That said, ServiceTitan is better suited for large operations with many techs and multiple locations.

    ServiceTitan offers many different solutions to help your business grow and scale, including the ability to pick and choose additional functionalities as your business develops, integrations with 3rd party software providers (open API), and a well-documented knowledge center with resources to help you solve any potential issues. Many aspects of the software can be personalized to fit your specific needs, but this comes at an additional cost, and the price point for ServiceTitan is already well above the market average, so this may not be an option for smaller operations or those with a limited budget.

    Here are some of the key features:

    • Intuitive dispatch board to centralize all your jobs and techs in one place.
    • Online Client Hub to view all interactions, details, and invoicing & payment history.
    • Integrated two-way sms messaging system.
    • Track inventory and keep your vehicles replenished.
    • Quickly create quotes and invoices on the mobile app.
    • Collect digital signatures on estimates or work orders and speed up job completion.
    • Track techs in the field with GPS and improve response times and optimize resources.
    • Reviews frequently cite deficient customer support.


    Image from HouseCall Pro.

    HouseCall Pro is not new to the HVAC software space. HouseCall Pro’s field service app has been helping HVAC contractors and home service professionals since it was founded in 2013. This easy to use platform incorporates scheduling and dispatching, invoicing, billing, and payments in one integrated solution, and is frequently listed among the top options for HVAC field service management software.

    Although it has fewer options for personalization than STEL Order or Jobber, HouseCall Pro does offer a wide array of tools focused on giving an edge to residential and commercial contractors and improving productivity. Below is a summary of some of these features:

    • Mobile app to schedule and dispatch techs to jobs in just a few clicks.
    • Client hub that allows customers to view job updates and download and pay invoices online.
    • Automate repetitive tasks like recurring billing or regularly scheduled maintenance.
    • Payment processing that speeds up the time it takes to deposit funds in your bank account.
    • Price book where you can set flat rate pricing helping to provide transparent pricing.

    HouseCall Pro’s field service management platform is a good option, but customer service is lacking (phone support is only available in the top tier pricing) and pricing for premium add-ons quickly makes it less competitive than other solutions offering similar features.

    5. WORKIZ

    Image from Workiz.

    Workiz is a top-rated developer of field service management software based out of San Diego, CA. Download their mobile app and sign up for a 15-day free trial to see how intuitive and easy to use their platform is. Not to mention they offer a reduced functionality version of their software for free. Schedule and dispatch jobs, create estimates and invoices, manage customers, and track techs in the field on their mobile app.

    If you need an HVAC software solution that can handle franchising operations or you need a built-in call-forwarding solution, Workiz may be the software for you, but be prepared to pay extra for these features. Some of the key features included on this platform are:

    • Easily attach pictures from the jobsite to your work orders and send them to the client when the job is completed.
    • Streamline workflows by automating repetitive tasks and set up automated messages for techs and customers.
    • Includes a visual price book where you can set up flat rate pricing and store images of your products and services.
    • Quickly process payments online upon completing a job, or provide customers access to the client hub to download and pay invoices online.
    • Workiz offers arguably one of the most complete solutions, but the truly game-changing features are only available on premium plans, which significantly increases the cost of the subscription.

    Advantages of implementing HVAC software

    Implementing an HVAC software solution has many advantages for different areas of your contracting business, including:

    • Improve response times. Reduce the time it takes to respond to job requests by automating reception, response, assigning to techs, and dispatching. This will also improve communication with the client throughout the process.
    • Reduce costs by efficiently deploying resources and eliminating bottlenecks, adminstrative burden, and other tedious tasks, freeing up your most valuable human resources to drive growth and complete more jobs.
    • Improve communication between members of your team and avoid unnecessary repetition and downtime due to miscommunication, such as missed visits, double booking, or more than one tech scheduled for the same job.
    • Increase customer satisfaction by improving response times, maintaining fluid communication throughout your workflows, and ensuring your techs always have the tools and information they need to get the job done right the first time.
    • Better buy in from techs and staff: with powerful tools that help them and avoid issues and miscommunications so they can get more done with less, employees will be more committed to the business objectives.

    Implementing a powerful HVAC software solution should be a priority for any serious contracting business, whether residential or commercial. Automating processes, streamlining workflows, reducing administrative burden, driving growth and improving customer satisfaction will more than justify the costs of implementing this type of software.

    Still not sure? Reach out to one of our experts and we’ll walk you through all the details and benefits of choosing and implementing the top-rated HVAC software on the market: STEL Order.

    STEL Order

    The editorial team of STEL Order is formed by professionals with experience in the different fields of management and invoicing of companies and freelancers. Contents edited, revised and updated by professionals. If you wish to suggest any changes to the articles, you can do so by sending an e-mail to the following address:

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